What is the difference between the hosting control panel, billing, and support logins?

The hosting control panel allows you to access and modify your web hosting account. Features such as Email management, file management, database management, etc. are found inside the hosting control panel. Your control panel access information was emailed to you when you signed up. Please contact support at support [at] sarthi.net if you need to have us resend this information. Your billing login allows you to keep your contact information with us up to date . In the case of an expired credit card or domain expiration, we will try to contact you ahead of time. The billing control panel also allows you to renew accounts, order more accounts, sign up for discounts and other billing related functions. To login to your billing account, please go to http://billing.arvixe.com. Finally, the support loginallows you to login at http://support.arvixe.com to look at your past support and sales tickets. Tickets allow you to keep track of a certain question or issue within our support and sales departments. All past tickets will be available to you using your support login. You can also use your login to submit a support request using our web submittal system. This is similar to just emailing sales [at] sarthi.net and support [at] sarthi.net but when you submit a form on our website, you can be sure that we have received it.
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